a Safety Management System consultancy service provider.

At LAMM Safety we have adapted and tailored SMS to suit the AMO environment, operation and culture. Further to that we cater for the size and complexity of your AMO ensuring that your system is useable and practical. An AMO having its own unique safety requirements covering both SMS and OHS, with years of experience in maintenance LAMM Safety understands this.

Our team is made up of two Safety Managers and two Safety Officers that work to provide you with your Safety Management System requirements, to mention some below:

Safety Management System


  • SMS, ERP Manuals and documentation.
  • The establishment and maintenance of mandatory, voluntary and confidential reporting systems to ensure the timely collection of information related to potential hazards, incidents and accidents that may adversely affect safety.
  • The actioning and distribution of accident, incident and other occurrence reports.
  • The identification of latent hazards and carry out risk management analyses of those hazards.
  • The establishment and maintenance of a safety data system, either by electronic or by other means, to monitor and analyse trends in hazards, incidents and accidents.

  • Management of Change reports.
  • In-house Safety training as per allowances of Part 140.
  • Promulgation of Safety Campaigns.
  • Promulgation of Safety Bulletins / Newsletters.
  • Conducting meetings with all relevant personnel regarding safety matters.
  • Safety audits/inspections or assessment.

Meet the Team


